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Order Modes

Ordering Modes
Order Online, By Phone, By Email, By Fax, or By Snail Mail........You Choose!
Now you can purchase our products and services with a variety of ordering methods.
Order Online
The best and fastest way to order!
If you already know what you want to order, the easiest and quickest way is to place an order online on our secured server by going to:
Order by Phone
The most personal and quickest way to order!
If you need assistance and not sure about what you want to order or you need further information, the best way is to place an order by phone. You can call the following numbers to place your order over the phone:
Toll Free Order: 1-866-688-9772
Or: +609-945-1483
RFCB: Request for Call Back
If you wish to speak with us, we recommend that you send us a "Request for Call Back". Doing so will connect you with the right person and one of our friendly sales/support specialist will call you promptly at a time suitable to you:
Request for Call Back
Don't forget to ask about our Phone-Only Offers!
Order by Email
The alternate way to order!
If you want to order by email, simply make a list of the items you want to order, and email us your order at the following email address:
One of our friendly sales/support specialist will be in touch with you as soon as we get your email to process your order!
Order by Fax
The best way to order for the non-internet users!
If you want to order by fax, simply make a list of the items you want to order, and fax us your order at the following number:
One of our friendly sales/support specialist will be in touch with you as soon as we get your email to process your order!
Click here to download and print our Fax Order Form
Order by Snail Mail
The most traditional way to order!
If you want to order by mail, simply make a list of the items you want to order and, mail us your order at the following address:
EZ Solutions (Orders)
P.O. Box 10755
Silver Spring, MD 20914-0755
One of our friendly sales/support specialist will be in touch with you as soon as we get your email to process your order!
Click here to download and print our Mail Order Form
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