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For Tutoring

Tutoring Advantages
About our tutoring advantages
20-Point Advantages of our 1-on-1 Tutoring Program
Flexible Location: Tutoring sessions can be conducted at our office, your home, local library, or any other mutually convenient place - wherever you want!

Flexible Schedule: Tutoring sessions can be scheduled according to your schedule, day or evening; week-days or weekends - whenever you want!

Class size limited to ONE: Our 1-on-1 sessions are focused on just your needs - you get the most personalized attention!

Highly Qualified Expert Tutors: Our tutors are highly qualified, experienced, innovative, and well-trained - they have got what it takes!

Thorough Review: Each concept is first explained in detail, and then analyzed for most effective understanding - each and every important concept is covered!

User-Friendly Step-by-Step Methodology: A user-friendly step-by-step methodology that adapts to your understanding and needs - you will get the best explanations!

Problem-Solving Skills: Our tutoring program will cover several problem-solving short-cuts for various concepts - all this will make you more intelligent!

Pre and Post Diagnostic Services: We first diagnose the problem and then treat it - This will tell us where exactly you stand and what you need to do, in order to achieve your goals. This will also determine your strengths and weaknesses so that we can improve upon them accordingly - you get to take the dress-rehearsal before you go to the final show!

Monitored Quantitative Performance Evaluation: We monitor continuous quantitative performance evaluation of each student throughout the tutoring program - this verifies what your progress has been made so far, and the areas that need further improvement.

Solved Examples & Practice Exercises: Enough solved examples and intensive practice exercises are given for a thorough understanding of all key concepts - solved examples will help you understand the concepts, and practice will make you perfect!

Best Study Material: We have our own curriculum, book and material that we follow - the best and most comprehensive study material available in the market!

Summary of Important Concepts: Complete summary of all the important concepts and formulas in an organized, and easy to understand manner - you will never have to hunt for the key concepts and formulas!

Application of Principles: Application of all principles to real world examples from school, work, and even entertainment -you will know how, when, and which principle to apply!

Study Groups: We select students of different calibers so that they can group with each other in class, as well as form study groups outside the class - this will give you more opportunities to interact with other students just like yourself!

Personal Touch: Each student gets personalized attention - we treat each student as if we only have one!

Student Counseling: Our tutors understand that school work can sometimes become very stressful - our tutors are always there to counsel you and reduce your anxiety level!

Track Record of Success Rate: We have hands on experience, and have a very good track record of success rates - most of our students who attend all the tutoring sessions, and complete all their homework perform significantly better in their school, and over 95% of our students improve by one letter grade or more.

Limited Cost, Unlimited Help: With some of our packages, we offer free unlimited help for a specific period of time - ask for more details!

E-Mail & Telephone Support: With some of our packages, we also offer free email and telephone support; where students can get in touch with one of our specialists anytime they need help - we are there for you, whenever you need us!

Different Types of Solutions: We have different types of tutoring solutions that you can choose from - choose the one that best suits your needs!

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